Enrichment of genomic feature

1. enrichment_permutation

After dividing the chromosome into several valid structures, random permutation tests of enrichment are performed by comparing genomic features within and outside each community.

dna.enrichment_permutation(permutation = 100, pval_cutoff = 0.01, fig_dpi = 300)


Optional arguments:

  • permutation: Resampling times of random permutation test of genomic enrichment. The default is 100.

  • pval_cutoff: Cutoff for features in a community is significantly higher/lower than randomly selected samples. The default is 0.01.

  • fig_dpi: Figure resolution in dots per inch. The default is 300.

2. enrichment_heatmap

Then, draw both tval and pval of genomic feautre heatmaps from enrichment_permutation.

dna.enrichment_heatmap(permutation = 100, fig_dpi = 300)


Optional arguments:

  • permutation: Number of sampling when doing permutation test in enrichment_permutation. The default is 100.

  • fig_dpi: Figure resolution in dots per inch. The default is 300.

Data path

output data path: The permutation results are stored in /out_data_folder/hic_data/resolution/hic_community_figures.